Hilmar 7500
Our PROfraction ingredients are enriched proteins that provide specific benefits in the human body. Hilmar 7500 MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) is an essential ingredient in infant formula with anti-inflammatory properties. It also supports a healthy immune system response, supports brain development and enhances immunity in infants and newborns.
MFGM is also used as an ingredient in foods targeting adults. It has been shown to benefit cognition, cardiovascular health, gut health and mobility in older adults.1 Research also indicates that daily ingestion of MFGM combined with regular exercise may enhance physical performance and agility.2 Foods and beverages formulated with MFGM can help consumers prioritize prevention of the aches and pains of aging, thereby assisting with healthy aging.
The 2023 Food & Health Survey from the International Food Information Council’s (IFIC), showed that 34% of all adults are seeking out healthy-aging benefits from the foods and beverages they purchase. Specifically, 44% of Baby Boomers and 35% of Gen X are interested in healthy aging.
1 Raze G, Herzig K, et al. (2021) Invited review: Milk fat globule membrane—a possible panacea for neurodevelopment, infections, cardiometabolic diseases and frailty. Journal of Dairy Science. 104:7345-7363.
2 Ota N, Soga S, et al. (2015) Daily consumption of milk fat globule membrane plus habitual exercise improves physical performance in healthy middle-aged adults. SpringerPlus. 4:120.
Hilmar 7500
MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) – 70% protein with beneficial phospholipids for digestive and immune health.
Hilmar 8800
Alpha-Lactalbumin Enriched WPC – 80% protein with enhanced alpha-lactalbumin content and high BCAA content.
Hilmar 9400
Whey Protein Isolate – Lactose-free, 90% protein providing heat stability during pasteurization.
Hilmar PROfraction™ Beta
Whey Protein Isolate – Lactose-free, instantized 90% protein with a bland flavor profile.