
Hilmar 7500

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The Power of MFGM

Hilmar 7500 is a milk fat globule membrane-enriched whey protein concentrate derived from sweet whey using a proprietary process that enables the concentration of the MFGM fraction. It is highly soluble and heat stable, making it applicable for use in varied foods and beverages that are designed to help consumers prioritize prevention of age-related issues.

With 70% protein content and a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0, Hilmar 7500 is a high-quality, complete protein. It also has a high level of branched chain amino acids, which stimulate the building of protein in muscle and reduce muscle breakdown. When consumed in sufficient amounts, BCAAs help maintain muscle mass and strength, which is important in healthy aging. Additionally, the bioactive proteins, phospholipids and sphingolipids that make up MFGM spark high interest because of the positive effects they are believed to have on human health.

1 Raze G, Herzig K, et al. (2021) Invited review: Milk fat globule membrane—a possible panacea for neurodevelopment, infections, cardiometabolic diseases and frailty. Journal of Dairy Science. 104:7345-7363.

Product Info


  • Increases cognitive development in infants
  • Beneficial to aging adults to maintain brain health
  • Enhances immune health
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • May enhance agility, when combined with regular exercise, and mitigate risk of frailty in older adults

Product Applications

  • Infant formula
  • Yogurt
  • Nutrition bars
  • Bakery
  • RTM beverages
  • RTD beverages
  • RTM powders
  • Other better-for-you snack foods
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