Hilmar 9020
Consumers have become more empowered and proactive around health. They seek out nutrient-dense foods and beverages and prioritize protein content. Hilmar 9020 is a high-quality whey protein isolate intended for clear applications designed for sports nutrition, healthy living and healthy aging.
“Muscle-building” waters, “refuel” gels and “satiating” gummies represent the types of convenient, mindful snacks that athletes, sports enthusiasts and age-defying adults seek out to stay on top of their game. These products are increasingly being fueled by whey proteins, which are high-quality, readily digestible proteins derived from milk that consumers appreciate for their ability to provide a power boost.
To speak to the growing trend in clear—color and colorless—functional waters, we developed Hilmar 9020, a 90% whey protein isolate (WPI) with superior nutritional value, ideally suited for protein fortification and use in low pH beverages. With excellent dispersibility, 9020 is ideal for ready-to-mix applications, and also provides clarity and heat stability in acidic applications, including sports gels and shots, gelatin desserts and confections.
Hilmar 8200
Whey Protein Concentrate – 80% protein provides heat stability and gelling properties in multiple food applications.
Hilmar 8500
Whey Protein Concentrate – Lactose-free 80% protein with high solubility for use in RTD and recovery beverages.
Hilmar 9020
Whey Protein Isolate – 90% protein provides clarity in acid pH applications with a clean flavor profile.